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Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

ANR  Alambic – AppLicAtions of MalleaBIlity in Cryptography

Participant : Guilhem Castagnos.

The Alambic project is a research project formed by members of the Inria Project-Team CASCADE of ENS Paris, members of the AriC Inria project-team of ENS Lyon, and members of the CRYPTIS of the university of Limoges. G. Castagnos is an external member of the team of Lyon for this project.

Non-malleability is a security notion for public key cryptographic encryption schemes that ensures that it is infeasible for an adversary to modify ciphertexts into other ciphertexts of messages which are related to the decryption of the first ones. On the other hand, it has been realized that, in specific settings, malleability in cryptographic protocols can actually be a very useful feature. For example, the notion of homomorphic encryption allows specific types of computations to be carried out on ciphertexts and generate an encrypted result which, when decrypted, matches the result of operations performed on the plaintexts. The homomorphic property can be used to create secure voting systems, collision-resistant hash functions, private information retrieval schemes, and for fully homomorphic encryption enables widespread use of cloud computing by ensuring the confidentiality of processed data.

The aim of the Alambic project to investigate further theoretical and practical applications of malleability in cryptography. More precisely, this project focuses on three different aspects: secure computation outsourcing and server-aided cryptography, homomorphic encryption and applications and << paradoxical >> applications of malleability.